Maksuton Power BI Copilot: Käyttö ja kyvyt -webinaari 12.3.2025 klo 10:00 Ilmoittaudu tästä !
Power BI Copilot: miten saat sen käyttöösi ja mitä se osaa?


Azure Basics for Researchers and Academic Staff

This course is organized in partnership with Microsoft’s Education Team and is tailored for educational institutions or research units.

kesto 1 pv

2100 + ALV
  • Kurssimuoto: Etä

This course is organized in partnership with Microsoft’s Education Team and is tailored for educational institutions or research units.


  • A minimum of four training orders is required. Orders may come from different universities/organizations.
  • University/organization must have an Azure subscription to facilitate the training environment.
  • While there is no limit on the number of participants, the recommended group size for optimal learning and discussion is a maximum of 20 participants.
  • The training will be conducted in English.
  • Training orders must be submitted by February 28, 2025, at the latest.
  • The training sessions will take place between January and June 2025, based on the preferences of the university/organization. Exact dates will be arranged separately in coordination with the requesting university/organization.

This course is designed to introduce researchers and academic staff to Azure and help them get started with using cloud-based solutions in their research projects. It provides a foundational understanding of cloud computing concepts and general terminology, ensuring participants are equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate Azure effectively.

During the course, participants will learn how to create and use virtual machines, select the most suitable storage solutions for data persistence, and manage Azure consumption through cost prediction and budgeting tools. Additionally, the course covers essential practices for securing application secrets and virtual machines against unauthorized access. It is particularly suited for researchers and academic staff who are new to Azure or exploring cloud-based technologies for the first time.

Tietoa koulutuksista

Corellian koulutustiloissa:
Kalevankatu 9 A, Helsinki

Kiinnostaako asiakaskohtainen toteutus? Meillä onnistuu.

Kurssin olennainen sisältö

Training Content:

Morning Session

  • Welcome and Introductions: Opening remarks and an introduction to the training.
  • A brief from Participants: Brief introductory from participants
  • Azure Basics Overview:
    •  Key cloud concepts
    •  Core Azure architecture (subscriptions, resource groups, and resources)
    •  Requirements of typical organization-level Azure governance
    •  Monitoring and understanding costs in Azure
  • Azure Core Services Introduction:
    •  Compute, networking, storage, and data concepts
  • Live, Hands-on Demonstration in the Azure portal

Afternoon Session

  • Introduction to Advanced Topics:
    •  Machine Learning (ML), Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Practical Exercise in Azure: Hands-on activity to apply learned concepts.
  • Discussion and Summary: Open discussion to address questions, share insights, and summarize key takeaways.

Kurssin kesto

Kesto 1 pv.




Sami Isoaho

Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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