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AZ-220 Microsoft Azure IoT Developer

Kurssilla opit suunnittelemaan, toteuttamaan ja hallitsemaan IoT-ratkaisuja hyödyntäen Azuren tarjoamia palveluja.

kesto 4 pv

1890 + ALV
  • Kurssimuoto: Luokka, Etä

Kaikki Azuren IoT-palvelut kuten IoT Hub, Azure Stream Analytics, Time Series Insights ja Device Provisioning-palvelut tulevat tutuksi. Sen lisäksi kurssilla tutustutaan myös IoT Edge-arkkitehtuureihin, sekä Azure Digital Twins ja IoT Central-palveluihin.

Koulutus valmistaa Microsoftin viralliseen sertifiointitestiin Exam AZ-220: Microsoft Azure IoT Developer. Suoritettava sertifointi on Microsoft Certified: Azure IoT Developer Specialty.

Kurssin kohderyhmä

Kurssin on suunnattu sovelluskehittäjille, jotka toteuttavat IoT-ratkaisuja.

Kurssin esitietovaatimukset

Kurssilla edellytetään perustason kokemusta ohjelmoinnista, esim. C#, Node.js, C, Python tai Java-ohjelmointikielillä. Lisäksi kokemus Azuren käytöstä ja hallinnasta on hyödyksi.

Tietoa koulutuksista

Corellian koulutustiloissa:
Kalevankatu 9 A, Helsinki

Kiinnostaako asiakaskohtainen toteutus? Meillä onnistuu.

Kurssin olennainen sisältö

Module 1: Introduction to IoT and Azure IoT Services

In this module, students will begin by examining the business considerations for various IoT implementations and reviewing how the Azure IoT Reference Architecture supports IoT solutions. This module also provides students with an overview of the Azure services commonly used in an IoT solution and provides an introduction to the Azure portal.

Module 2: Devices and Device Communication

In this module, students will take a closer look at the Azure IoT Hub service and will learn how to configure secure two-way communication between IoT hub and devices. Students will also be introduced to IoT Hub features such as Device Twins and IoT Hub Endpoints that will be explored in more depth as the course continues.

Module 3: Device Provisioning at Scale

In this module, students will focus on device provisioning and how to configure and manage the Azure Device Provisioning Service. Students will learn about the enrollment process, auto-provisioning and re-provisioning, disenrollment, and how to implement various attestation mechanisms.

Module 4: Message Processing and Analytics

In this module, students will examine how IoT Hub and other Azure services can be used to process messages. Students will begin with an investigation of how to configure message and event routing and how to implement routing to built-in and custom endpoints. Students will learn about some of the Azure storage options that are common for IoT solutions. To round out his module, students will implement Azure Stream Analytics and queries for a number of ASA patterns.

Module 5: Insights and Business Integration

In this module, students will learn about the Azure services and other Microsoft tools that can be used to generate business insights and enable business integration. Students will implement Azure Logic Apps and Event Grid, and they will configure the connection and data transformations for data visualization tools such as Time Series Insights and Power BI.

Module 6: Azure IoT Edge Deployment Process

In this module, students will learn how to deploy a module to an Azure IoT Edge device. Students will also learn how to configure and use an IoT Edge device as a gateway device.

Module 7: Azure IoT Edge Modules and Containers

In this module, students will develop and deploy custom edge modules, and will implement support for an offline scenario that relies on local storage. Students will use Visual Studio Code to build custom modules as containers using a supported container engine.

Module 8: Device Management

In this module, students will learn how to implement device management for their IoT solution. Students will develop device management solutions that use devoice twins and solutions that use direct methods.

Module 9: Solution Testing, Diagnostics, and Logging

In this module, students will configure logging and diagnostic tools that help developers to test their IoT solution. Students will use IoT Hub and Azure Monitor to configure alerts and track conditions such as device connection state that can be used to troubleshoot issues.

Module 10: Azure Security Center and IoT Security Considerations

In this module, students will examine the security considerations that apply to an IoT solution. Students will begin by investigating security as it applies to the solution architecture and best practices, and then look at how Azure Security Center for IoT supports device deployment and IoT Hub integration. Students then use Azure Security Center for IoT Agents to enhance the security of their solution.

Module 11: ADT

In this module, students will examine the concepts of an Azure Digital Twins solution and take their first steps toward implementing ADT. Students will begin by investigating the concepts behind the Azure Digital Twins service and an ADT solution, followed by an introduction to the development tools that can be used to build and monitor an ADT solution. Students will then use the development tools to create custom models, build and query an ADT environment graph, ingest IoT device telemetry, and implement business logic and data processing.

Module 12: Build an IoT Solution with IoT Central

In this module, students will learn how configure and implement Azure IoT Central as a SaaS solution for IoT. Students will begin with a high-level investigation of IoT Central and how it works. With a basic understanding of IoT central establish, students will move on to creating and managing device templates, and then managing devices in their IoT Central application.

Kurssin kesto

Kesto 4 pv.


Luokka / Etä


Arto Roth

Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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