Maksuton saavutettavuus-webinaari 10.2.2025 klo 14:00 Ilmoittaudu tästä !
Tärkeä aihe: Saavutettavuus ja esteettömyysdirektiivin vaatimukset


MB-280: Dynamics 365 Customer Experience Analyst

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Experience Analyst -kurssi tarjoaa kattavan ymmärryksen Dynamics 365 Customer Experience sovelluksiin. Kurssilla keskitytään erityisesti D365 CE Model-Driven sovelluksiin yleisesti sekä Dynamics 365 tuoteperheen sovelluksiin Dynamics 365 Sales ja Dynamics 365 Insights.

kesto 5 pv

2290 + ALV
  • Kurssimuoto: Etä, Luokka

Kurssi valmentaa osaltaan sertifiointikokeeeseen Dynamics 365 Customer Experience Analyst Associate. Kurssi koostuu neljästä osasta:

  • MB-280T01: Configure Dynamics 365 customer experience model-driven apps
  • MB-280T02: Empower sellers with Dynamics 365 Sales
  • MB-280T03: Design and deliver powerful customer experiences with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights
  • MB-280T04: Configure a Dynamics 365 customer experience solution


Kurssi on suunniteltu asiakaspalvelun ammattilaisille, järjestelmänvalvojille ja konsulteille, jotka haluavat oppia hyödyntämään Dynamics 365 -ratkaisua tehokkaasti asiakaspalvelun eri osa-alueilla. Liiketoimintasovellusten tuntemus sekä halu räätälöidä ja toteuttaa ratkaisuja yrityksellesi on eduksi kurssilla. 



Kurssille osallistuvalla on hyötyä seuraavista: 

  • Kokemusta Dynamics 365 tai muusta liiketoimintajärjestelmästä 
  • Asiakaspalveluprosessien tuntemus 



Kurssin suorittamisen jälkeen opiskelijat osaavat hyödyntää Dynamics 365 Sales ja Customer Insights sovelluksia sekä tuntevat Model-Driven sovellusten pääkäsitteet. Kurssi valmentaa osaltaan sertifiointitestiin Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Experience Analyst Associate 

Tietoa koulutuksista

Corellian koulutustiloissa:
Kalevankatu 9 A, Helsinki

Kiinnostaako asiakaskohtainen toteutus? Meillä onnistuu.

Kurssin olennainen sisältö

Configure Dynamics 365 customer experience model-driven apps

With model-driven apps, organizations can customize their user experiences with little to no code and create powerful applications that empower their users and increase productivity. This course is designed to help students learn the skills necessary to configure the Dynamics 365 customer experience model-driven apps, which include Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. In this course, students will learn how to create tables and columns, work with Microsoft Dataverse, and configure the user experience inside a model-driven application.


Empower sellers with Dynamics 365 Sales

Dynamics 365 Sales helps accelerate sales teams’ efforts with relationship-building tools and AI-driven insights. In this course, students will learn how to configure and leverage Dynamics 365 Sales to set sales teams up for success. First, students will set up and configure lead and opportunity management strategies. Then students will organize their product catalog and process sales orders. Finally, students will leverage relationship selling features, the Sales accelerator, and Sales Insights. In this course students will also learn how to set up and deploy Microsoft Copilot for Sales, a productivity tool to help sellers inside and outside Dynamics 365 Sales.


Design and deliver powerful customer experiences with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights helps organizations deliver exceptional experiences personalized to every customer. In this course, students will learn how to work with key features of Customer Insights – Data and Customer Insights – Journeys. First, students will learn about the business value of using a customer data platform. They will ingest data into Customer Insights – Data, create unified customer profiles, and create segments to help target specific audiences. Then, students will build impactful and personal experiences using Customer Insights – Journeys. They will create marketing assets like emails and text messages and deliver them via segment- and trigger-based journeys.

Kurssin kesto

Kesto 5 pv.


Etä / Luokka


Juha Huttunen

Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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