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PL-600 Microsoft Power Platform Solution Architect

Kurssilla opit laajemmin suunnittelemaan, toteuttamaan, turvaamaan, ylläpitämään ja valvomaan Power Platform-ratkaisuja.

kesto 3 pv

1690 + ALV
  • Kurssimuoto: Luokka, Etä

Kurssi kattaa myös mm. sovellusten elinkaaren hallinnan, erilaiset arkkitehtuurimallit, RPA-prosessit sekä testaus- ja julkaisumallit.

Koulutus valmistaa Microsoftin viralliseen sertifiointitestiin Exam PL-600: Microsoft Power Solution Architect. Suoritettava sertifointi on Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Solution Architect Expert, joka edellyttää kahta läpäistyä sertifiointikoetta – PL-600 + PL100 tai PL-600 + PL-400.

Kurssin kohderyhmä

Kurssin on suunnattu arkkitehdeille ja sovelluskehittäjille, jotka vastaavat Power Platform-ympäristöjen hallinnasta, valvonnasta ja ratkaisujen toteutuksesta.

Kurssin esitietovaatimukset

Kurssilla edellytetään PL-100: Power Platform App Maker-tason perustietoja tai PL-400: Power Platform Developer-tason kokemusta sovelluskehityksestä.

Tietoa koulutuksista

Corellian koulutustiloissa:
Kalevankatu 9 A, Helsinki

Kiinnostaako asiakaskohtainen toteutus? Meillä onnistuu.

Kurssin olennainen sisältö

Module 1: Becoming a Solution Architect

This module introduces you the role of a solution architect within the realm of Power Platform. You will learn about the soft skills, process and the responsibilities throughout the lifetime of a Power Platform deployment.

Module 2: Conceptualizing in the design from requirements

This module introduces you the conceptualizing of a design, including evaluating requirements, the difference between functional and non-functional requirements, the pillars of good architecture and the blueprinting process.

Module 3: Project governance and working as a team

This module introduces you to project governance and the solution architect’s role within a project.

Module 4: Power Platform Architecture

This module introduces you to the architecture components of Power Platform, including environments, data residency, Dataverse considerations, high availability, compliancy and disaster recovery.

Module 5: Data Modeling

This module introduces you to the data modeling process within Power Platform.

Module 6: Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

This module looks at the tools for building analytics and Artificial Intelligence solutions as part of your Power Platform solutions.

Module 7: Power Apps architecture topics

This module describes the architecture topics for Power Apps.

Module 8: ALM

This module teaches you the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) models within Power Platform.

Module 9: Power Automate architecture topics

This module introduces Power Automate and its architecture options for you.

Module 10: Security Modeling

This module describes the security capabilities and services to consider and employ within Power Platform.

Module 11: Integration

This module describes how to integrate external data and services to your Power Platform solutions.

Module 12: Dynamics 365 App specific architecture info

This module describes the Dynamics 365 application architectures and how they map with Power Platform-based solutions.

Module 13: Power Virtual Agents

This module describes how to create intelligent chatbots and integrate them with other services, such as Microsoft Teams.

Module 14: Robotic Process Automation

This module describes Robotic Process Automation (RPA) processes for you, and what services and tools are available for automating work.

Module 15: Testing and Go Live

This module describes how to do testing and how to deploy to production in Power Platform.

Kurssin kesto

Kesto 3 pv.


Luokka / Etä


Ilmoittaudu kurssille

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